5 tips for a better work-life balance

Successfully achieving a healthy work-life balance, allows for achievement and enjoyment. Both employees and employers can reap the benefits of encouraging a healthy work-life balance within workplace culture.
Striking a balance between work and home-life is a challenge that many of us have faced at some point in our lives. Often, the right balance will vary depending on circumstances. This can include having children, starting a new career or business, or simply going through a busy period either at work or at home.
A healthy work-life balance isn’t necessarily achieved by splitting your time between work and home life equally, as this can often be unrealistic. Instead, your work-life split should balance, in order for it to be easily maintainable. Achieving the optimal work-life balance differs across individuals, based on their priorities and lifestyles. However, incorporating an effective work-life structure can bring about a more enjoyable life and encourage a greater sense of overall achievement.
Employers can also reap the benefits of encouraging a healthy work-life balance amongst employees. For example, employees will feel a greater sense of control, with the ability to manage stresses at home more effectively by separating them from the workplace. Employers will also appear more attractive to candidates, by showing that it values the wellbeing of its workforce. In turn, employers can see higher retention rates, reduced absenteeism and increased productivity as a result.
A healthy exercise regime can boost health, whilst also helping to break up the day, improve concentration and productivity rates. Try taking a walk at the beginning or at the end of the day, providing an opportunity to get some fresh air too! Remember to carry out gentle stretches and mobilisation exercises to help keep the body moving throughout the working day.
Ensure breaks are taken
Although it may feel more productive to continue working for hours on end, studies have shown that productivity increases when regular breaks are taken after focused work time. Use your breaks to help maintain wellbeing by staying hydrated, stretch your legs, eat a healthy snack or even practice a mindfulness exercise.
Find a quiet space
Sometimes a quiet area can help you to get away from the background noise which is often experienced in the busy workplace or even at home during the COVID lockdowns. By designating a specific quiet area in the home and office can help those around you know that you require some space for creative thinking or to switch off and relax.
Use flexible working optionsÂ
If flexible working is an option in your workplace then use it to help balance a productive daily routine along with any stressors or challenges that can be experienced at home. Creating the right balance will help you become more productive. Therefore, take some time to consider any changes that could be made to your daily routine to support this. For example, are you more productive at 6am allowing you to drop the kids off at school and attend the gym at 8.30am?
Actively participate in health and wellbeing initiatives
Health initiatives are designed to help employees improve overall health and wellbeing. Topics covered such as stress and mental health, help create greater awareness around identifying issues before they develop into more serious ones and where to access more support. If this is available in your workplace, make the most of it for yourself and your family.
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