
Promoting Eye Health during National Eye Health Week

As we approach National Eye Health Week 2024 (from September 23rd to 29th), it’s the perfect opportunity to encourage your team to pay attention to their eye health. Vision plays a central role in our daily activities, yet it’s easy to overlook the importance of regular eye check-ups and healthy habits that protect our eyes. Many jobs, particularly those that involve prolonged screen time, can contribute to eye strain, and untreated eye issues can lead to reduced productivity and wellbeing.

By raising awareness in your workplace, you can help employees take proactive steps to safeguard their vision while also enhancing overall workplace efficiency. Here’s how your organisation can get involved and support good eye health practices during National Eye Health Week.

1. Encourage Regular Eye Tests

Use this week to remind colleagues of the importance of eye check-ups. Regular exams not only ensure vision is corrected but can also detect early signs of more serious conditions like glaucoma or diabetes. Consider partnering with local opticians to offer eye test discounts or information about free NHS eye exams for eligible staff.

2. Promote Breaks from Screens

With the rise of digital workspaces, screen-related eye strain is becoming more common. Encourage your team to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Regular reminders and a supportive culture that allows for short breaks can significantly reduce eye strain over time.

3. Create Eye-Friendly Workspaces

Review the lighting and screen setups in your office. Poor lighting or glare from windows and screens can cause unnecessary strain. Invest in anti-glare filters, adjustable monitor stands, and appropriate lighting to help maintain a comfortable working environment.

4. Share Tips for a Vision-Healthy Lifestyle

Diet, hydration, and protection from UV rays all contribute to long-term eye health. Share simple tips with employees about foods rich in eye-supporting nutrients (like vitamins A, C, and E), the importance of staying hydrated, and wearing sunglasses outdoors to block harmful UV rays.

5. Host an Eye Health Awareness Event

Bringing in a local optometrist or hosting an eye health webinar can be a great way to educate employees about eye care. These events provide a platform for discussing how to prevent common vision problems and what to do if issues arise.

6. Incorporate Eye Health into Wellness Initiatives

Make sure eye health is part of your broader workplace wellness programme. Use internal communication channels like newsletters or digital screens to remind employees about eye-friendly habits, especially during National Eye Health Week.

Getting Involved and Raising Awareness

You can make a difference by encouraging your team to take action during National Eye Health Week. Here are some ideas to get started:

Encourage Eye Test Appointments: Send out reminders for employees to book eye tests and offer information on where they can access free or discounted exams.

Organise Daily Challenges: Promote fun initiatives, such as screen break challenges or daily wellness tips, to keep the importance of eye care top of mind.

By prioritising vision care and spreading awareness during National Eye Health Week, you show that you care about your employees’ wellbeing and help them maintain long-term health. After all, healthy eyes are crucial for a happy, productive workforce. 

Want to explore how OptiMe can enhance your team’s wellbeing? Reach out to us at to schedule a friendly chat.

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